Minggu, 11 September 2011


                       SUNDAY GATHERING

One more gathering in establishing a sense of kinship among the employees of PT ICM-CKP.
Taking place at the home
Bapak Jamhur in PERUM BUMI INTI PERSADA - Purwakarta.
  Although the sun was intense, making the warmth of togetherness in the sense of family in one     container.
taste, one heart

                                            Awas gosong bu!!! berpose nya belakangan.
                                                     Para Ibu2 MASTER CHEF ICM - CKP
                                             ( paling semangat kalo disuruh makan mah!!! )
                            Ikan mas bakar, rendang jengkol,ikan asin,lalaban, sayur asem., sambal
                   Walaupun PANAS menyengat...tetapi tetap      SEMANGAT........................buat :
1. Makan & minum ( makacih..buat tuan rumah   yang telah menyediakan       segalanya     serba gratis ).
2. Berpose ( buat collections & new update social network )
3. Satu hati..satu rasa..kebersamaan buat kita semua ( ICM-CKP Brotherhood ).

                                               Woi...nech gua calon penganten ( Mas Tegar )
                                      ...bulan depan makan2nya di rumah mertuaku nyaaaaa!!!
                        Abis mancing..lemes..panas..langsung makan..tambah Lemeeeeeeeeeeeeezzzz..
                                                                                         Author by Admin

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